

How Much to Pay?
CPC: 0.015 $ - 0.02 $
CPM: 0.03 $ - 0.40 $

How much you earn per month?
Max 45 $ per month/150.000 imp per month

Minimum payout?
50 USD Paypal, Check

I must pay taxes?

What ad types are supported?
CPMStar supports CPM, CPC

What ad formats are supported?
CPMStar supports Branded Preroll 550x350, 640x440, Dynamic Site Skin, Video Takeover.

Is there any approval process?
Two business days

Is adult and warez allowed?
NO. Cannot Accept Sites Containing: Pornography/Adult content, Illegal content, Illegal live streaming of TV/Movies, Torrent/Warez

- CPMStar is the only network out there that will actually improve the quality of your site by showing ads that interest your audience because the ads themselves are focused on games and gamers. Your users will see appealing motion graphics representing the world's highest quality games and entertainment. This translates to happier users and higher income for your site. We use our own proprietary ad server that is constantly optimizing to maximize your profits.
- Our terms are simple and require no exclusivity or long term obligations, our payout rate is tops, and we pay Net 30 with a low $1 minimum. Game, Videos, Humor, Community, Movie, and many other online entertainment categories generate strong revenue on our network.

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CPMStar Account and Statistics