

Company headquarters?
271 Soupras Street
Montreal QC

How Much to Pay?
CPC: 0.015 $ - CPM: 0.05 $ - 0,08 $

How much you earn per month?
Max 15 $ per month/100.000 imp per month

Minimum payout?
10 USD Paypal, 50 USD Check

I must pay taxes?

What ad types are supported?
Ad4Game supports CPM, CPC, CPA advertisements.

What ad formats are supported?
Dimensions: 300x250, 120x600, 200x200, 125x125, 728x90, 468x60 and 160x600
File Types: GIF, JPG, PNG and SWF.
Size limit: 50,000 bytes

Is there any approval process?
The amount of time it takes us to approve an ad is generally less than 2 days.

Is adult and warez allowed?
Content: ONLY related to game and entertainment.
Restrictions: strong flashing, extreme animation, visual irritation, vulgarity, nudity, violence, racism, MMO gold/item/leveling services.

Does Ad4Game charge for repeated clicks?
In order to prevent click fraud and to make sure that advertisers are not charged for repeated clicks, Ad4Game uses duplicate click protection. Ad4Game counts only 1 click if the same visitor clicks the same ad many times in 24 hours.

Official Site:



Ad4Game Account and Statistics

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