How much you earn per month?
Max 6 $ per month/100.000 imp per month
Minimum payout?
PayPal $10, Check $100, Wire $500
I must pay taxes?
What ad types are supported?
Bidvertiser supports, CPC, POP, ebay
Is there any approval process?
24-48 hours.
Is adult and warez allowed?
In order to prevent offensive websites from displaying our ads, we manually review each site. We also monitor sites after they have started displaying BidVertiser ads. If a site was found to violate our policies at any time, we will warn the publisher, suspend or terminate the account.
BidVertiser does NOT accept websites that:
- Adult content
- Sexual content
- Excessive profanity
- Illegal drugs or related content
- Hate speech or hate graphics content
- Engage in, promote, or facilitate illegal or legally questionable activities such as pirating, hacking, spamming and infecting.
Make money from clicks and conversions
You get paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad, and an extra revenue if the click turns into conversion.
Can I place more than one ad on a page?
You can place as many or as few ads on each page as you would like. However, we do not recommend having too many ads on your site as this will result in driving visitors away from your site.
Official Site:
If you are interested in generating cash from your visitors using popup ads, you can run one of the most established networks: Clickadu.
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