

Company headquarters?
Blvd. Calea Grivitei
no. 146,Sector 1
010741 Bucharest

How Much to Pay?
CPC: 0.00 $ CPM: 0.08 $ - 0.25 $

How much you earn per month?
Max 5 $ per month (30.000 imp per month)

Minimum payout?
1 USD Paypal, Wire transfer

I must pay taxes?

What ad types are supported?
Ro2.biz supports CPM, CPC, CPV advertisements.

Is there any approval process?
Seven business days

Is adult and warez allowed?
NO. Cannot Accept Sites Containing: Pornography/Adult content, Illegal content, Illegal live streaming of TV/Movies, Torrent/Warez

Does Ro2.biz limit the amount of pages you can create?
No. Ro2.biz allows you to add limitless amount of pages, as well as limitless amount of content.

What's in it for Ro2.biz?
By creating a free website with Ro2.biz, we will force 468x60 banners on the bottom of each page of your website.

Is there any way to remove the bottom banners?
Yes. By purchasing Premium Membership for your account the banners on the bottom of each page of your website will be removed. Also, the right side part will become editable for you. It is important to mention that by purchasing Premium membership you will be able to upload your own logo image and background image for your site.

How long does it take before the ads appear on my website?
The ads will appear instantly. We do not require any verification on the publisher's side, however we will deny our ads from showing on websites that do not comply with our terms of service.

What are the ad sizes that Ro2.biz provides?
We provide standard IAB sizes as well as non-standard such as: 468x60, 728x90, 300x250, 120x600, 160x600 and 336x280

How to deny an ad campaign I find inappropriate?
Go to Tags section and click Block ad campaigns link. Select the size from the top list. Check for the campaign that you wish to stop showing by clicking on the CampaignNUM link. Once you found the campaign that you wish to stop showing in your ad tags click on the checkbox which refers to it and then click the Save changes button.

Official Site:



Ro2.biz Account and Statistics

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